
Thoughts of Unschooling with Charlotte Mason

Lately, I have thoughts and a desire to Unschooled my daughter but with a Charlotte Mason twist.  It is so wonderful to homeschool because each child's education can be custom made for each of their minds.  Whereas my daughter's mind is so much like a sponge that it has an amazing ability to retain what it learns.  However, she doesn't like to write and so many homeschool curriculums make a child do just as much writing as learning and it really starting to effect her learning because she dreads the writing.   Now, I have all intentions to make sure not only does my daughter learn to write but also learn to cursive write, which many public school are no longer teaching.  However, I do not want the constant writing to impede her education. 

Thus, my daughter's love of learning has waned of late and I would like to give it a big boost, perhaps by unschooling.  I am fond of the idea but nervous for I grew up in a public schooling system and it's hard to get that out of your character.  I was taught something and then quizzed on it and then tested on it.  The homework alone was overbearing for me.  I did though love to learn and still do very much for you can pretty much find me on the internet always researching something.  I want that love to learn for my daughter.

I think we will finish the curriculum we have now and try some Unschooling, for a while, over the Summer months.  I will know then on how she responses to it.

I love her so much and I want her to know so much, too.


Happy New Year

Yeah, I know it's been awhile between posts.  I've been busy with the holidays, remodeling our house, and my horse I rescue a few month back.  I have to admit that homeschooling hasn't been a big priority in my or my daughter's life as of late.  However, I am not concern for we learn all throughout the year because learning it a lifestyle or us and not an institution.

I've update the curriculum pages for each subject by marking off the chapters and lessons she has learned, not necessarily completed the workbooks.

Life is busy for me and so this new year I really desire to get organized and finish all these unfinished projects around house.  My mind and spirit will really appreciate it.

My daughter desires me to sit down with her with every lesson and share in her learning.  This is the biggest reason I must get organized and finish the unfinished.

Happy New Year to all!



For the last month, my daughter has been give me a lot of resistance to doing her education.  There are two things that could be causing this change.  The first is not getting enough sleep.  I have been getting her up at 7am to go to the barn to take care of a horse that we rescued. She complains that she is tired.  So, we are going to start going to bed at 8:30pm and see how that goes.  I am tired myself, so I understand her current lifestyle.

The other things that could be a factor is that I am not making enough time to sit down with her like she likes me to and share her education experience with her.  I am quite busy and have many projects to finish before Christmas and having to stop and gather our thing to go to the barn is very anti-proactive.  Hopefully, we can get things done her to get our horse out here to the farm for that would make things so much easier and open up our time.

She still enjoys science, Bible, and math.  She still dreads writing. Any work that requires her to write so procrastinates and hem-haws the entire lesson.

Because of the re-adjustment of rescuing a horse in our schedule, my daughter has missed a lot of lessons and is now behind in this year. I will have to start making her do lessons on the weekend now to catch up.  It all my fault for not maintaining my bearing over our lifestyle.

She is still my sunshine.