
Vacation Bible School

Well, my daughter had almost a week off of her education because we signed her up for her first Vacation Bible School (VBS).  Actually, VBS isn't really a "school" anymore like it once was but more of a day only camp were it is "Ok" to say you like Jesus and talk about God.  This year the church had over 200 children.  The Baptist church up in the next town had over 1,000 children show up for their VBS.

I volunteered in the age group that my daughter was in and it was an experience for both of us.  I talked with several kids in my daughter's group and in the older groups and they all said that they didn't talk about God outside of church because they were "afraid" "scared" "would get picked on" "wouldn't have any friends left" if they talked about Him.  What has this world come to with all it's  "tolerance" for the desires of the flesh .... homosexuality, abortion, adultery, and etc, and where little children are afraid to talk about something good.

My daughter's first day was an adjustment because she wasn't used to seeing another child sit in her mommy's lap and holding her hands. After the first day of mad looks at me for she thought I was betraying her, she found her own little friend to hold hands with as we tried to walked quietly down the church halls.

In the end, she had a wonderful time and was sad that it was over. I was glad that it was over because it wore me out.  The first day home from "camp" as they call it, I took a nap.  My daughter cannot wait until next year.  Of course, I will volunteer again. I did enjoy it!

Now, that the FUN is all done, it as been hard for my daughter to get back into her education.  I've had to talk with her about how important her education is to her desires of being an Animal Rescuer.  I think she understanding just a "little" bit more, which is good because we are building a foundation here.  However, it is still up to her to take the initiative towards her education.  I am guiding her in that direction but like all things it is habit that needs to be established.


A Week Off

Yesterday, my daughter's educational DVD came by UPS.  Remember, she was doing her education online but we had some issues so I contacted the curriculum maker and they, after I paid an extra $160 to upgrade to the DVD method, sent them out to me.  Today, was my daughter's first day "back to school" after having a week off and she really likes the DVDs.  We bought her a small cheap DVD player and a cheap 19" flat screen TV (all we found were flat screens) for her room.  Her room is her hub.  It is where she dreams of rescuing animals and where is play and now where she educates herself.  Her room is special to her.

Since, she (and I) where off for a week, things were pretty boring around here.  She kept telling me how bored she was and I kept replying, "Bored people are boring people." She didn't like that but it is true. She did, after a day or two, go and create things for her to do and I guided her along.

This past week she has been "sleeping in".  I quote those two words because that is what she kept saying but actually she was just laying in bed daydreaming and not wanting to get up. However, today when I told her to get up there were no problems.  She wanted to eat her breakfast while watching her Science video.  Glad to know that Science can get my girl out of bed without a fuss!

I am really liking this curriculum because it is CM friendly.  Today in English, she play a game not knowing that she was learning.  I love that!!  She is loving learning because I introduced a new philosophy called "Loving One's Vocation & Education using Daydreams" (LOVED) training.  When she is doing her home education, I put a sign on the door that reads "Animal Rescuer in Training.  Do Not Disturb!" She loves that!  She see's all her lessons as real life training exercises that will help her one day be a great animal rescuer.  Isn't that what learning is all about, really.  Gathering knowledge for or about something.  This something is my daughter's desire or vocation to care for animals.  She daydreams about doing so or thinks about what she needs to do so and how to do it.  She talks a lot about it.  You will hear more about LOVED training for my daughter as I get her to become engrossed in learning by getting her to understanding that what she learn shapes her current vocation. Later in life, her learning gets shaped into educational goals that are specialized in what God has called her to be, and therefore do.  Science was an easy attachment to form for my daughter because of the animals and nature. Handwriting, not so much. :-)


First Week Completed

 Well, the first week, which consist of only three days, went very good.  I was very surprise to see my daughter doing her school lesson all by herself.  Naturally, I wish that every school day from here on would be like these first three days, but I am realistic that future days will be those where I need to be creative in keeping her enthausanism about doing her lessons.  The most important lesson for me to education her on, and in a way that she doens't realize what I am doing, is to create, deep within, a love for learning and knowledge.  Actually, I have been doing this for years but I feel the need to deepen it and secure it within her.

As well as my daughter finishing her first week of education, to which I am still impressed, I started to work on the remodeling of our basement.  I was about to say, I and my daughter needed an office and education room to do our task, but actually my husband needs a place as well.  For me personally, I really need an office. So, I have begun laying a floating laminate floor in the basement with a bubble insulation underleath for temperature and moisture control. It's looking good.  I order some wallpaper samples, too.  It's been educational for my daughter to watch and help me.  She enjoys it!

Our spiritually growth is doing just that ... growing.  We have been talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Even though my husband and I both have read passages in the Holy Word many time, I think that certain understanding comes with maturity for we have learned, again, something new.


Home Education for the Next Level Started

   May daughter woke-up early the last two morning, got herself dress and came in to wake me up because she wants to start her education.  I have been very impressed with her pro-activeness and rising to the challenge of an education level that is two grades above that of other children her age.  However, we will see as the year goes by just how that pro-activeness and understanding endure.

   Yesterday, she did three lessons in Faith & Works and two lessons in Science.  Then I had to put a stop to lessons for the day because I am weary of "burn-out".  I want her to look forward to today's lessons as well.  It was the first day, so we can go slow and build up to more and more lessons.  Actually, she did a full day's worth of lessons.  I am very proud of her.

After science she went out to explore what she learned. She wants to be an animal rescuer so her science lesson was so up her alley.  Exploration of nature is very much a CM philosophy and thus I will encourage her to explore every science lesson in the outdoors.

Today, as well as yesterday, I spent much of my time trying to get prepared for this new curriculum. I am impressed on the flow of the subjects within each other and that they are very Charlotte Mason friendly.  I am currently, happy.  We are doing our curriculum online, however, issues with internet, monitors, and sound, I've decided to change mode of delivery and therefore contacted the curriculum maker to get the lessons on DVD, which is another media venue they offer.  It cost more, but it is more convenient, especially, when we are traveling on the road when there is no Wi-fi service.  I hope that changing will not be an issue.

Until later, for there is more work to be done and no fun to be be had at the moment.