
Going Good

It has been awhile since I've posted because I have been busy.  It happens you know, chores, travels, and the little things that all consume our time.  My daughter is doing well in her home education.  She is loving science. It's her favorite mainly because this 3rd level of science has begun their teaching about animals and their characteristics.  She has been excelling or Acing all her subjects but spelling.

Handwriting and Spelling have been tough for her to be motivated in because she cannot see any ties of having to do these with the animal kingdom.  You know, I like that word "kingdom".  Kingdom, to me, represents the rule of our Lord God. However, this week, she has been enjoying handwriting and spelling because when she writes her spelling words three times each we pretend she is saving an animal.  Thus, this week for example, one of her spelling words is "less" and so each time she wrote the word "less" she pretended to save two leopards and a lizard, of which both starts with the same letter as her spelling word. Like I mentioned, this is the first week so we will see how this assists her in knowing how to spell them.

One of the reason we have been so busy is because we bought an ex-racing thoroughbred who was in need of some TLC.  I will be blogging about him on our farm's website.  Life just got magnitudes busier that also means for my daughter.  We sat down and talked about her education and how her #1 priority is her education not the horse. She just turned six years old this month so I know that several conversations on this subject is needed so that she fully understands her mission, to at least her teenage years, is her education.